Cbjunkies.com is only coming up on its 3 year birthday but already were growing. Do you want to become a sponsor, advertise on our site.  It's easy!!!  Just send us a PayPal payment After doing so please email to the address below with your company logo/banner with information that you want posted and we will rotate your banner based on the level of your sponsorship   your banner will rotate with all the other sponsors banners.   you will also get a email with a Link to your banner stats from us. 
Thanks for your support, and keeping us online. 

This site is kept online by the sponsors, and keep in mind all the funds that are received by this site are considered donations and will not be refunded at anytime.


Billing Cycle       Ad size                          Location                                                  Price  

Every Month                    468X60           Page top                                                   $10.00 

Every Month                    768x90            Page top                                                   $20.00  

Every Month                    468X60           Page Bottom                                            $5.00

Every Month                    768X90           Page Bottom                                            $10.00

Every Month                    468x60            Page top + Personal Sponsored forum    $25.00

Banner Exhange               468X60                                                                            FREE

Once you have completed your payment.

Please email me the following information to the email address below:
    •    Banner
    •    Contact email
    •    Phone Number
    •    Paypal email address
    •    Name of your website
    •    URL (http://www.example.com/) of your website
    •    Any special instructions how you want ad to look.

Email us your info here!!