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View Full Version : Palomar 575 hi drive

03-18-2015, 08:38 AM
Says hi drive on cover but amp has built in driver so why would it be labeled high driv ? Wondering a safe input to put in an what to expect out of amp. Thanks for ant info. Scooby 123 east coast Va

03-19-2015, 08:02 AM
Keep the dead key to about 1-2 watts and pep wattage to around 15 watts. May take a bit more pep power but it depends on how hard you wan to push it. Those transistors aren't cheap and some aren't even made anymore. Use a single final radio and it will work well. There is no way it's a high drive amp if it already has a driver transistor for the 4 transistors. I think that amp will do 300-400 watts cleanly. You could run it harder I'm sure and probably get more out of it, but it's not worth the effort. Use a good single final radio and keep the amp on high. Ideally you want the amp to key up at about 1/4 of the total output. I would think that amp is somewhere around 40-50 watts of carrier on am. I could be wrong but I would start with about a 1 watt dead key and move up from there until you find about where the amp isn't being over driven and the max pep wattage. JMHO. Good luck

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03-19-2015, 08:16 AM
Thanks heavy hitter its going in truck behind 29lx keying 1 swinging around 20ish so I think it should be ok it was always in my thinkin a hi drive amp didn't have a driver an needed to be driven I'm surprised someone hasn't burnt it up by now

03-19-2015, 09:02 AM
I have one that is a 2 transistor amp just like yours but smaller. It says high drive on the front of it. I use I with a uniden 980 and have the dead key down to about 2 watts on am and swinging to maybe 6 or 8 watts. On SSB it's set at 12 watts. It still will make that amp get warm rag chewing on it. Not bad amps if you don't over drive them. Loaf the amp along and it will last a long time. Plus nobody on the other end is going to notice the extra watts. Don't use a radio with a clipped limiter, and If it is, use the mic gain sparingly! Sounds like you have it under control. Should make for a good little setup. Make sure to feed it with good power and ground and that your antenna system is right as well. When you start messing with more power you better have everything right or it will either play havoc on the electrical system of the vehicle of damage the amp. Again, sounds like you have it covered. Have fun with it as the dx cycle is about to be over.

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03-19-2015, 10:08 AM
Yeah no clip limiters just turned mod up lil past halfway MOSFET update that's it I know from experience the 455 don't like a lot of drive so gonna hit it light just had me puzzled never seen a amp labeled high drive that had a driver in but I never messed with Palomar a lot had a couple lil 2 pills by them and they did great for what they were

03-20-2015, 04:55 AM
You got it! Keep it clean in and it will be clean out. No need to overdrive the amp. It will last longer and sound better. Not all over modulated and not understandable. This going in a mobile or base??

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03-20-2015, 05:37 AM
Going in my truck for now can't run a lot of power in my shack neighbors are kinda close and they have a young baby so when I run anything over 100 it comes through the lil baby monitors but I can deal with that for a while I can talk good with the locals an DX a lil on 75 watts just fine

03-20-2015, 07:19 AM
Good deal. Sounds like you will have a nice little mobile when you are done.

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03-20-2015, 07:32 AM
I've just never seen the 575 it similar to the 600 but with 3749s instead of 1446s

03-20-2015, 08:01 AM
Those transistors are similar I guess to the MR454. The MR454 transistors are are rated at 80 watts at 12.5vdc at 30mhz per the data sheet. The wattage will be a bit higher on 27mhz, maybe 85-90 watts. Amp on 14vdc in the mobile that amp should do about 400+ watts depending on hard it's driven. I would stick with the cobra 29 or a similar type radio even for SSB use a single final radio will work well with that amp. Have fun with it!!

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03-20-2015, 08:10 AM
Thanks. Sounds good to me. I run 29s in both my trucks. Off road alot. Not gonna beat up a nice 10 meter radio in the truck. Thanks for the info.

03-20-2015, 08:15 AM
No worries. Enjoy the amp.

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