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View Full Version : Radio choice

Master virus
10-09-2019, 08:31 AM
I've seen two radios and I need help choosing, so any help would be appreciated.
I like the CRT 7900 because the reviews say it stays on frequency and never mentions anything about heat.
I also like the CRT 9900 but people have said it drifts off frequency and gets hot so you can see my dilemma.
Which radio out of the two would be best? And thank you for responding.

10-09-2019, 09:03 PM
What eactly do you need ham radio or cb radio .i can mention .alots of then first tell me what you need

Master virus
10-10-2019, 07:49 AM
Sorry, I should have mentioned.
I'm after CB

10-10-2019, 10:54 AM
Both radios will have to be modified for 11 meter use. That said, if they addressed the heat issue with the 9900, with version V4, both radios are above the same as far as performance. The little bit of difference in power won’t be noticed on the receiving end. All that said, make sure you have a good antenna setup. Don’t cheap out on the antenna setup. You can have a $10k radio or a high power amp, but without a good antenna setup you’ll be in the mud!! Anyhow, both radios should work about equal as far as I can tell from the specs. If Heat will be the issue with the 9900, it’s most likely why it would end up drifting. These new radios are pretty good about being on frequency unlike older radios. Also know these radios will be best used on SSB and not AM. If you want an AM cb radio, get something like a cobra 29. If you are going to use it for 11m SSB, then you should be good with either one. Again, if you think the 9900 will have heat issues, get a decent brushless fan and stick it on the back end and wire it to come on when the radio does. Other then that, antenna, antenna, antenna setup will be what you should truly spend the money and time to get it as good as possible. JMHO’s.

10-10-2019, 05:14 PM
Both radios will have to be modified for 11 meter use. That said, if they addressed the heat issue with the 9900, with version V4, both radios are above the same as far as performance. The little bit of difference in power won’t be noticed on the receiving end. All that said, make sure you have a good antenna setup. Don’t cheap out on the antenna setup. You can have a $10k radio or a high power amp, but without a good antenna setup you’ll be in the mud!! Anyhow, both radios should work about equal as far as I can tell from the specs. If Heat will be the issue with the 9900, it’s most likely why it would end up drifting. These new radios are pretty good about being on frequency unlike older radios. Also know these radios will be best used on SSB and not AM. If you want an AM cb radio, get something like a cobra 29. If you are going to use it for 11m SSB, then you should be good with either one. Again, if you think the 9900 will have heat issues, get a decent brushless fan and stick it on the back end and wire it to come on when the radio does. Other then that, antenna, antenna, antenna setup will be what you should truly spend the money and time to get it as good as possible. JMHO’s.
He's in the UK, don't think they use AM that much there...mostly FM/SSB and probably won't even need conversion for 11 meter.

Master virus
10-11-2019, 02:37 PM
I'm not really keen on FM I do like ssb and am.
Ive had 40 channel CB's but prefer sidebanding and am due to my Tristar 747 days.
Thanks for the replys

10-11-2019, 03:53 PM
If you really like SSB and do a little AM as well, you may want to look into more of a ham radio. The Kenwood ts480s is a great radio and they don’t drift. Also have 100-200 watts of power depending on which one you get. If that is too much for you, then either one of the radios you listed will work.

07-29-2020, 03:35 PM
I use cb radio very often and I think that every driver should have it. This radio has a huge number of functions and applications. True, I don't know which radio is better cb radio or two way radio. In my opinion it is much more pleasant to use cb radio. I would advise you to first read the article where everything about cb radio (https://www.nowiresradio.com/citizen-band-radio/) is written in order to update your knowledge of radio and its capabilities. Personally, I would recommend the Cobra 29LTDCHR model to you because it looks very nice and the functionality of such a model is quite wide. This radio model will fit any car and any driver. I personally use this one and I have no problems with it.

08-21-2020, 11:30 AM
I recently purchased a Stryker SR-955HPC. It has a booming reputation for SSB. The Receive (RX) in it as well as with my SR-655HP are also top shelf. The 655 doesnt have SSB, my reason for having bought the 955. The 955 has Fine and Coarse freq. adjustments (amount of step adjustment is programmable) on the face of it. And if you like Echo - an On/Off Switch precludes needing to turn the established loudness and delay to zero when no longer desired. There are a number of other programmable features including band frequencies. Another of my favorites is vSWR alarm and XT shutdown upon reaching the set level; too many to list all. A very simple single transistor (flea size) elimination opens it up to 11M (if you have the eyes, steady hand, and a small tip soldering iron to DIY).