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View Full Version : Radiowavz 11 meter Double Bazooka Antenna

01-15-2020, 10:19 PM
Anyone monkey around with one of these things?
Am getting my thoughts together on my first base station for DX on SSB. Considering a Uniden 980 and a small amp of 100 watts. As far as antennas go I want to go easy with this and not piss the wife off with a giant offshore fishing pole sticking out of the house. To get my feet wet I was considering a Double Bazooka to put into my garage attic to get started. I could always later on mount it outside . I was considering mounting it horizontal for DX and changing it to an inverted V for local. But frankly local is non existent around me. DX is what interests me. I know there are a lot better antennas but I think you know where I'm at at the moment. Did a search here on the antenna and got nothing. Any thoughts would be great. Thanks.

01-17-2020, 06:17 AM
The Uniden 980 is a nice little radio that doesn't need any prep to run a small amp and talk some skip. I have the first version of it and can count on it to make contacts. The second version they made it easier to silence the loud beep when you change channels. That beep annoys a lot of people but I have learned to live with it. JJD in here runs a compact McKinley which looks interesting also but I already have too many radios to try that one. Good Luck!


01-17-2020, 10:51 AM
Thanks for the reply. Yes I am pretty much set on the Uniden 980 and small 100 amp. I am just going to try the Double Bazooka to start with. It's easy enough to move around with different orientations and inverted V ,vertical or horizontal or anything in between. The Uniden looks like it will do everything I need especially since it seems to be a well regarded, stable SSB rig. I was told to get it's output matched to the amp. To reduce it's carrier to 2 watts or so? If I only used SSB only I wouldn't have to do that correct?

01-17-2020, 06:10 PM
I'm not the expert in here but I read a lot of articles before I buy and the Uniden 980 SSB is considered a low output radio because Uniden wants to stay compliant with FCC regs. so they stay under the limits. It is thought that it doesn't need to be turned down to drive a small amp. My experience is that thought is true because I did nothing to my 980. I just hooked up my RM Italy KL 200-P to it and started talking with stable reports. The KL 200-P was about $109.00 but a lot of guys use the KL 203-P and are happy with it, about $70.00. I read reviews on both and CB Radio Magazine lead me to believe that the KL 200-P was a little better. They also say 980 adjustments are small and touchy with a chance of breaking. If it were me I would just buy the 980 hook up the amp and try it, you could change it later if need be. I'm surprised these other guys haven't chimed in because they have more experience than I do in radios. I hope they aren't mad because I joked about them having Radio Sickness, they are good bunch with a lot of collective experience. Give it a shot and good luck. Mike

01-17-2020, 07:52 PM
Thanks again for your thoughts but overall it sounds like you like the 980 and I will look into the KL 200P. May I ask what antenna you use and how far have you spoken with someone with this setup? Very interested as the electronics you use are what I would like to have.

01-17-2020, 08:52 PM
At the present time I'm still experimenting and trying to learn what works best for me. I actually play with two antennas. I have a Sirio Starduster M400 and a Hy Gain P500 Super Penetrator and really don't see too much difference in performance and the SWR is about the same on both but seems as if it is raining the Star Duster SWR stays more consistant. The Penetrator seems to be bothered by rain but the SWR goes back when it stops. I live in N/E PA. and have reached Wisconsin to the west, Florida & Louisiana to the south, Maine to the North. Alot of that was done with the 980 and the KL 200P but keep in mind I am still trying to learn what works best for me in this deep narrow valley I live in and your location is probably different and maybe better. A lot of variables go into this radio game and I don't have a wife I have to please. But the trade off is No Wife means I have to do everything myself so I can't play as much. LOL Good luck and keep the wife Happy and you will be Happy. Keep us Posted!

01-22-2020, 11:54 AM
Your reaching real good with that setup.

02-11-2020, 09:24 AM
The Uniden 980 is a nice little radio that doesn't need any prep to run a small amp and talk some skip. I have the first version of it and can count on it to make contacts. The second version they made it easier to silence the loud beep when you change channels. That beep annoys a lot of people but I have learned to live with it. JJD in here runs a compact McKinley which looks interesting also but I already have too many radios to try that one. Good Luck!


I’ve used this radio both inside and in my truck, I’ll be honest, good radio but because of the screen it’s very hard to see during the day in a vehicle, so I took it out, makes for a decent base station though.

02-11-2020, 03:25 PM
I’ve used this radio both inside and in my truck, I’ll be honest, good radio but because of the screen it’s very hard to see during the day in a vehicle, so I took it out, makes for a decent base station though.

Yes I experienced the same problem of visibility.

02-16-2020, 12:18 PM
if you have a metal roof it won't tune and you wont get out far if at all with any antenna in a attic . wiring can also interfere with tuning and tx/rx patterns . IMO this would be a better option than the bazooka
but to each their own ......

02-16-2020, 01:35 PM
Yes I dont doubt you but I have it now and give it a try. Here is a review of it.

I read your review about the Siro and found it interesting that he mentions the Radiowavz Double Bazooka in the first sentence.

Quote 'I often check out the deals from H & Y Electronics (http://www.hyelectronics.com/) and after seeing this antenna advertised I got curious enough to purchase one. I'm a big fan of dipole antennas as a simple and effective antenna system and in the past I had very good success with the Radiowavz Bazooka so I was excited to try this Aluminum Alloy antenna from Sirio."Quote

Anyways what ever my outcome I will post it here if interested. Wish me luck!!!

02-17-2020, 05:29 PM
good luck :)

02-18-2020, 10:26 AM
Thanks. If it doesn't work in the attic of my garage I can easily move it outside either horizontally ,or vertically or something in between.

02-18-2020, 11:34 AM
Just some interesting info!2401

02-18-2020, 12:37 PM
That is fascinating and thanks for posting. I am frankly surprised that a SWR of 1.5 is only a 4% loss and I can see why I have read of guys being happy with that. At what SWR when barefoot does it threaten the electronics? 2.0 %? More?
Also a what SWR could it harm a rig with an amp?

02-18-2020, 01:38 PM
That is fascinating and thanks for posting. I am frankly surprised that a SWR of 1.5 is only a 4% loss and I can see why I have read of guys being happy with that. At what SWR when barefoot does it threaten the electronics? 2.0 %? More?
Also a what SWR could it harm a rig with an amp?

I have collected 5 SWR meters over the years and they all show that they red line at 3.0:1 ( Danger ) but I wouldn't allow anything over 1.5:1 and I really don't settle for that if I can help it. I want to wring every last drop of power I can out of my system!

02-18-2020, 01:56 PM
100 watt loses2402

02-18-2020, 04:10 PM
Great stuff thank you!

02-18-2020, 06:19 PM
Your welcome

02-19-2020, 08:07 AM
vswr danger to your equipment is directly related to the quality of the components and their construction . ham equipment is typically built much sturdier with better components and design so they can handle vswr that will kill cb radios and cb/export type radios . typically 1.5 or less is safe for cb stuff but i'll suggest tuning as low as possible in case you get a bump in wet weather . a antenna tuner is a option if you're trying to go beyond the bandwidth of your antenna .

here's a article you may find interesting ....

even doubling or halfing power will very rarely be the deciding factor on making a distant contact .

02-19-2020, 12:54 PM
I read of guys making contacts very far away barefoot so the antenna and setup is most of it I would think.

02-19-2020, 08:20 PM
i read of guys making contacts very far away barefoot so the antenna and setup is most of it i would think.

absolutely !

03-09-2020, 03:17 PM
Ok it was a beautiful day here today in Western MA and and I hope it was the same for you all. Had a chance to set up my Bazooka antenna today in the attic of my garage. I set it up horizontally and hooked up my 50 feet of RG213 and my SWR meter. I used my cheap 35 dollar CB Uniden as the guinea pig. Keyed down and got about 1.75 on channel 1 and 2.3 on 40. So it is good for a start. Installed the 980 since I thought it was safe. Went upstairs and started folding back the ends by the same amount on both ends a few times and got it down to 1.1 on ch 1 and the 1.2 on 40. Ch 20 was not measurable and I used two external meters that I swapped out and they measured the same. I have as well used the meter in the radio and were within a few 10ths. Running barefoot I didn't make any contacts today but conditions are poor I guess and there are no locals in my area so this is a DX base only. Gonna wait for better conditions and give it a try. So far so good!

03-09-2020, 05:23 PM
I read of guys making contacts very far away barefoot so the antenna and setup is most of it I would think.
While making contacts barefoot is possible because I have done it. There is a better chance that you will be covered up by what they call Big Radios. ( Running Amps ) DX land can be a MAD HOUSE unless you get lucky and catch it before everyone else notices. Kind of like a Free For All!

03-09-2020, 09:08 PM
Yes that makes sense. Just that today I got only two very distant transmissions that were too far away. I thought I would hear more than that. Even the superbowl was dead. But it was this early afternoon. I did buy and receive a RM Italy kl203 I got from Newegg but haven't installed it yet. Was going to make sure my Swr's were low enough but ran out of time.

03-10-2020, 05:56 AM
CB talk isn't what it use to be, you will have a lot of dead days. Like one person in here said ( it's all about location location location ) most days my channel 6 is dead but I'm not in a primo area. I was trying out a Cobra 25 yesterday I bought with a bunch of radio stuff on my way to hunting camp and was amazed at all the chatter I heard even thru the bad area of travel. I must have had people behind me I couldn't see. But anyway those cobra radios seem to have good ears compared to some of my other radios Good luck with your KL203 and like JJD said it will also increase your noise level so be prepared for that.

03-10-2020, 07:36 AM
Yes thanks for that. As for the 203 it doesn't have the preamplifier in it if that is what you speak off.

03-10-2020, 09:11 AM
Yes thanks for that. As for the 203 it doesn't have the preamplifier in it if that is what you speak off.
Yes sorry I didn't look close enough and didn't notice you didn't get the KL203P. That's the one which helps bring in the distant stations. Everyone has their own personal reason for making their decisions that is why it is nice to live in a Free country. Enjoy!

03-10-2020, 01:43 PM
Yeah my personal reason is I'm cheap!! Seriously though I heard the preamp would amplify the signal but also all the trash around it. Sounds like a volume control to me.

03-10-2020, 02:19 PM
Well only you know what your budget is and your obligations so you have to do what is good for you. We would all like to have the best of everything but it isn't always in the cards. I don't want to think of all the times I settled for less than I really wanted. I spent my whole life buying used stuff and fixing it to have something decent to work or play with because the family needed stuff too. Now I'm Old and wore out so now I want to play with my Radio. LOL

03-12-2020, 05:39 PM
getting that antenna out from under the roof and 10+ feet above it will increase your tx and rx ability and of course going higher is always better . i'll suggest that before a small amp . a amp is useless if you can't hear anybody to talk to ..... but since you already have the amp try it and see what happens .

03-12-2020, 05:43 PM
Yeah my personal reason is I'm cheap!! Seriously though I heard the preamp would amplify the signal but also all the trash around it. Sounds like a volume control to me.

mostly true particularly for CB amps . some of the old palomar/cobra and a few others actually had beneficial preamps . but they're not as effective as ham preamps , some of which a VERY expensive IMO .


03-12-2020, 06:04 PM
getting that antenna out from under the roof and 10+ feet above it will increase your tx and rx ability and of course going higher is always better . i'll suggest that before a small amp . a amp is useless if you can't hear anybody to talk to ..... but since you already have the amp try it and see what happens .

Yes I agree completely. Only time I have tried it was 2 in the afternoon for an hour or so last week. Going to try it at dusk and evening and see what I get. If not good I will figure out how to mount it outside. Thanks.

03-14-2020, 07:49 PM
Well I have tried it again this time in the evening and afternoon and nothing. I receive jamming type signals ,nothing on ch 6 . So before dragging the antenna out of the attic of my garage I had an idea. I have a mag mount mobile antenna and I brought my 980 to the car and set it up. Turned it on and still nothing, so I drove to a location that was high and clear of trees and near the highway. I got a radio check on 19 no problem. Scanned usb and lower lsb manually and still nothing anywhere ,about the same crap as back at the base antenna. I guess no one is on in my area ,,no skip,, disappointing.

03-15-2020, 08:15 AM
Don't get down, I haven't had skip roll in for sometime now. Nor have I had much local traffic either. I took a ride yesterday in my car to get a filter & oil to do a oil change on my motorcycle and the radio was dead. I did a small tuneup on my 979 to crank up the modulation and all people would say when I ask for a radio check was ( IT'S WORKING ) they wouldn't answer how it sounded. People have changed and sometimes don't want to talk to strangers. I'm lucky a few days before I got some good responds so I'm confident it's working good. To sum it up Be patient it's a different world today!

03-15-2020, 10:27 AM
Hey thanks for the pep talk ,I appreciate it. What kinda bike you got? Very nice! I always wanted a bike but since I am not an experienced rider I will not chance my aging bones to injury due to incompetence . I have a few old cars though. I have not given up on CB ,not even close. It is a learning process and I find it interesting.

03-15-2020, 07:37 PM
I have a little 250 Yamaha Virago, Light, Nimble, and 75-80 MPG. Had 2200 mile on it when I bought it 5 years ago for $1800 and put 10,000 more miles on it with no breakdowns or trouble. Only weighs 450 LBS so easy to pickup or transport. Take a motorcycle safety course, ride defensively, don't HotDog, and wear Safety color clothes & helmet and you will be OK. And last but not least Happy CBen!

03-22-2020, 08:20 PM
I brought the Double Bazooka outside the garage attic and hung it between 2 trees about the same height next to the garage. Alas,,,,same thing. So the garage wasn't the problem. I may go mobile ,just got to figure out the best way to wire the CB and kl203 in the truck. Maybe get that kick ass mag mount antenna by Siro or something that someone here recommended to me. I will have to find it here.

03-22-2020, 09:05 PM
I guess it is the Sirio Performer 5000 with mag mount. But not sure. I also need to find out the best and correct way to wire the CB and kl203 in my truck.

03-23-2020, 07:23 AM
I brought the Double Bazooka outside the garage attic and hung it between 2 trees about the same height next to the garage. Alas,,,,same thing. So the garage wasn't the problem. I may go mobile ,just got to figure out the best way to wire the CB and kl203 in the truck. Maybe get that kick ass mag mount antenna by Siro or something that someone here recommended to me. I will have to find it here.

Keep the faith! After a couple days of shoveling dirt for spring clean-up I decided to work inside yesterday to rearrange my Radio room and setup. I set my 980 up with my Palomar as a base station and the air-waves were dead and it has been that way lately even on AM. I haven't really heard the gas works in their water trucks much either. I'm sure the corona virus is keeping people home and they might not have a Base station set up.

03-23-2020, 11:59 AM
yes thanks again for another pep talk!! I do appreciate it. I am not even close to giving up.

03-29-2020, 05:57 PM
News Alert!!!! I heard some skip on ch6 AM ! Sounded pretty weak but it was at least something..

03-30-2020, 05:13 AM
I also heard some weak skip last night when I was in my car so when I got home I turned on my base set up and heard it there also but couldn't do anything with it. Better days are coming!

04-01-2020, 08:58 PM
Made another contact today in New Brunswick Canada. He sounded like he was next door and he heard me also. Fun!!

04-07-2020, 01:27 PM
cool beans

04-07-2020, 03:27 PM
I also got the Sirio Performer 5000 for my truck. No skip yet but it is a whole lot better than my little mag mount

04-15-2020, 04:12 PM
Holy Poop Man!!! 4/14/20 was skip city! Had my Sirio Performer 5000 on my truck and went to a high point. I am in Western MA and I hit Kentucky. Heard guys from Canada all the way to FLA. Everyone was booming in.