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View Full Version : Cobra25 LTD guru CQ CQ

04-19-2020, 01:20 PM
Greets all! First off, thanks for having me.
Now to bitness... I have a modded '92 model Cobra25 LTD (connex, TalkBack, rooster poot & lowers) that was working perfectly fine when I mothballed it about 20 years ago.
I went to hook it up and basically all it will do is change the indicator light from RX to TX with zero output or meter movement. It does fire the rooster poot (roger beep mod), but I've got nothing on output through my SWeaRin' meter. Doesn't really seem to be receiving either (despite the RX gain pot being removed and its wires soldered together to make room for the connex controls).
This is hooked to a known good coax and antenna with a SWR of <1 on 2 other radios tested.
I actually used to be pretty sharp on this line, along with my Galaxy DX88HL, its just been a few decades. After coming off the road trucking in '94, I spent 16 years as a "digital systems specialist" (glorified copier guru), so I'm not scared to do the repair IF I can finger out whats goin on here. I'm crossing my fingers that it's not a popped transistor or final.
Fwiw, I did find a cold solder joint on L8, at the end closest to the coax connector. I corrected that and checked for others, but no change in behavior so far. The only other problem was one of the wires from the connex board (black one) broke loose from the front panel double pot. Of course, that's been remedied since.

So, basically, HELLLLP. I'm hoping one of you good ol boys is gonna come back and say "yup, been there, so solder X or replace Y". Thanks for reading and and the brain drain yall...


The DX88HL is having come and go low reception as well, guess that one will be next.