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View Full Version : be sure to run the correct coax

04-20-2012, 10:59 PM
dont cut it short with coax. Run double what you need or....

High Voltage Mobile NJ
04-20-2012, 11:03 PM
:300 (118):dammit boy !!!!!!!!!!

Mistah Gravy
04-22-2012, 10:47 AM
having no technical background i can't say for sure but that looks like it got smoked?what were you running through it and what was it rated for?another reason i am going to just start out with the LMR400 even though i onbly have a 260watt amp and a 270watt amp(peak).i do plan on eventually getting a 500watt to 1000watt amp but that will be a while before i can afford one of them because i will be buying one of those custome made jobbies like a Dave Made or something like that(I know,i know,this one sucks and that one eats the other one's dust).

04-22-2012, 10:51 AM
the coax is 217. yes the end arc'ed internally, not the coax itself. i found out after the fact that the 217 coax specific ends cant handle as much power as the standard pl259's can.
the watts were over 10kw