Yep. If anything replace one the front knows that isn't used much for the echo knob. I've seen quite a few installs where the delta tune knob was cut out and soldered together on cobra 29's and the dual pot for the echo board be placed in its spot. The above poster is correct, your dinner switch may not even be the right one to anyways due to it rating as well as the fact it's only a single knob. Look for a knob on the front yo replace or have a hole drilled in it. The back is a good spot as to not be seen, but many place them on the side as well. I like the idea of having it on the back. Easiest way to get good echo is an RF Limited 2018 extreme mic. Great mic with all the echo and effects you could want. And it's got Noise Reduction as well. A lot easier to remove too if you sell radio down the road. But if you have the echo board already, depending on which one you get, it may already come pre wired with a dual knob. Some do and some don't. Anyhow. Just some other options and hopefully you get it installed where you want it. And enjoy it, but don't go crazy with the echo effect. JMHO's. Good day!!