Quote Originally Posted by stan View Post
Hi to all first time post. my trusty old Station Master broke in a nasty storm here in Adelaide
wondering what to buy so went for the Shockwave 5/8 antenna, never had one of these antennas
before have read a few posts on the net about them they seem to do the job. been a long time since
have worked 27mgz use to been very keen operator 20 years ago they were the days you could talk skip on a piece of string, interstate and international was great have heaps of qsl cards from all over the world so my first question is when is the skip coming back and my other question is about my new antenna is whats the best height for my 5/8 my Station Master was on a 20 ft poll would this be ok
regards Stan
ive seen it on the net. reminds me of another 5/8 antenna. cant say on its performance
but 20 foot pole will be ok . sure higher will better of course. skip is rolling these days
listen to ch.28 am or 38 lsb . im on 38 lsb most of the time