I don't know much about the Galaxy radios other then them being good for AM use mostly. For SSB use, I prefer an HF radio. I have had many Galaxy radios. But I used them all on AM only. So that is about as far as my knowledge goes as far as knowing them. They do well on AM. SSB they can drift some. Just from what I have heard on the air. Some do better than others. I suppose the weather has a lot to do with it as well. They don't like cold temps. I am sure others have more knowledge than I when it comes to the 2517. Like I said before. If you are looking for both AM and SSB use, get an RCI 2950 or something similar like the Stryker 955, or magnum 1. Or even a used HF radio. But if you are going to use the radio for mostly AM, the Galaxy radios are pretty good. That is JMHO. I'm no radio expert that is for sure!! I have a few left, but have gotten rid of a few. I now use an Icom 746 for my base station, and use it 99.9% of the time on SSB. If I want to talk on AM, I break out my cobra 29 LX LE, or one of my other AM radios. But I don't do AM much. Most of the guys around here use SSB. So that is where I am mostly. I do listen to a few locals on AM and speak with them from time to time, but not too often. Again. There are many others here that are much more knowledgable about radios than I am!!
Sorry I can't be of more help with the 2517, but I think it's a pretty basic radio. Like a 949 but built around a base station. I could be wrong though.