Let me ask this. Do you see any coils on the board that resemble the ones one the cobra 29? I don't think it has those coils. I think you take the 3 wires, 2 terminate the break at VR6 and complete that circuit again. The black wire can then be soldered onto a tuning can. One of the metal ones. That is unless you have something different or more parts. But from what I have seen and searched for, which has been a little while, I can't find any other way to do it. Won't hurt to try. Do it without power and use a meter and make sure it works when you install the 2 wires, with the 3rd one soldered to a can. Might just work. Then power the radio up and see if it works okay. You may have resistors or other parts. Just add them as directed and take the black wire, which I am assuming you have, which I could be wrong, and take it to a tuning can and solder it.
Like I said, I did look for this mod and it's all I could find for your radio. The cobra radios do show a wire going to coils, L11 or L15 which is what the cobra 29 uses. Same for the uniden 68 and 78. Anyways. If no one answers the question for you, might want to give the way I found a try. Every dog has his day LOL.
I hope you get it installed and working whether I am right or wrong, just want to see you get it done man. I know it's been done. Good luck and hopefully someone will get it to you!!!
73 and God Bless
222 Daytona Beach, FL