Not real sure about these newer radios. I have an Optima MK3 mostly for SSB and it does 50-60 watts pep. Variable power. AM it's not the best radio I have, but it does do just fine with the right mic. Again it's how you set the radio up.
As far as new radios go I would at the magnum 1. They seem to be pretty rock solid on SSB and work well on AM too. They are a dual final radio. 35-40 watts pep. Variable dead key. Get one tuned back to get just what you need for power out of it. Won't hurt for sure. Keep from overdriving the amp. JMHO. There are other radios, like the RCI 2950, and a bunch more. But be careful as I have heard some say that export radios just don't play nice with amps like the one you are getting. A 2-4 pill amp yes, but 8-12 pill and larger I have heard that they tend not to work too well together. I could be totally wrong so don't quote me on that. Just what I have read. Anyhow. Look around for radios. There a a few that you will see large amps being used with. YouTube vids help a lot!! Good luck and hope some of the text wall helps