Only issue I can see with that is he isn't an amateur radio operator is he? If it's just a CB'er, would the ARRL help then? Or would he just have to abide by the rules set forth by the HOA at this point? Just what I read from the article you posted Jay Mojave. I could be totally wrong so please don't take what I am saying the wrong way. I too have run into issues with HOA where I live. Luckily none of my neighbors seem to mind my antenna so it's not such a bad deal. But it could be if I had crappy neighbors!! Not having your amateur license pretty well eliminates any rights you have for setting up a tower other than getting permission from the HOA, or getting your amateur license and going that route from what I understand. Or like I said, I could be totally wrong. But it's just the way I read the article you posted. Sucks for the regular CB'er at times!!! Good luck to the poster.