Quote Originally Posted by 222DBFL View Post
You can also look into a different meter if you can live without the very/horiz switch. Diawa makes a decent meter. Look around on eBay and Amazon. The Diawa meters aren’t bad. Stay away from the Astatic ones, they suck!! You can also look around on eBay and also Craigslist for a Bird meter. You might get lucky and find one for a good price. For GP use, I always had good luck with the Radio Shack meters. There are a couple floating around on eBay. Just don’t pay more then $20-$25 for one. JMHO. Good luck with whatever you find. Keep us posted. Good day.
Thanks for the input and I will take my time and look around because I'm in no hurry, I already have a 4 SWR meter collection but none work on SSB. It is surprising that my little Astatic PDC1 seems to give accurate wattage readings on AM but doesn't work with SSB. I tend to agree that astatic meters are bare bone ,get started equipment. I use the PDC1 to double check when I make a wattage adjustment for a low drive AMP And I've used it to check the wattage output on my collection of Base stations and mobile radios on AM and it never seem to give me a unbelievable reading. But like they say ( Let the buyer beware ) LOL