Have no clue about what a 8' helacoil is, other than a fix for mucked up threads. And can't speak to Tricky Dick (TD) radio. The simplicity of the control knobs is inviting. President has a good rep. I expect the TD is electronic SWR so its zero set at all times. Key up and your SWR is displayed.
As to Francis 4', well it just doesn't seem to fit with your new rig. I'm not a trucker so I can't address why dual whip antennas is the preference otherthan the challenge of hiding twin coax cables. Or angling forward of antennas to offset 70MPH wind loads. Or the preference to divide radio power output by half that dual antennas offer. Whip not a single top center cab magnetic mount. Break the Dogma barrier, be the first tractor with a Stryker SR-A10.
Or any lesser priced commonly known mag mount antenna.
I suppose you would have to consider low hanging rural town R X R bridges. The SR-A10 is 5.5', atop unknown cab hgt; the radiator could succumb to Peyronie's disease.
Last edited by Alabama Buckeye; 03-11-2022 at 02:31 PM.
Reason: +less priced...
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