Quote Originally Posted by D-MAX 2112 View Post
Hey im thinking why not a mosfet driver...?..never owned one though.
I'm surprised we haven't see any real progress made with MOSFET boxes as a whole. There's some folks who dabble with it, but nothing has truly emerged. The technology is there, just need one of the folks with true brainpower (and the time to devote to the project) to put it all together. It was rumored that the smartest man in NJ was going to build something that would turn the CB world on its ear...but he got side tracked. I hope he decided to move forward with it because there's some really interesting things that can come forth with it. Oh yea...and a boat load of cash!

IMMDO (In my mud duck opinion) I think you'd be just fine running it like a 1x4x20. Shit, I got a 1x4 for sale so all you need to do it buy it and put it in front of the 20 pill haha!