Quote Originally Posted by noisemaker View Post
Tip- If you have access to old UPS Battery Backup Systems (APC, TripLite) that your company or anyone is tossing to the trash- GRAB EM! Usually the larger units have 1 or 2 BIG transformers in there - 35a/70a/100a - THE SAME ONES FATBOY SELLS and he's pretty much getting them from the same source. I was fortunate to nab 4x 70a transformers from the trash pile. Use them to build an unregulated supply for your amplifier -which will float at 18-20v and hold 14.5 volts under load. All the amp builders use these in their base amps and power supplies (with exception of the Big Peter D transformers).
Another good source for these things are larger power Inverters (usually rated for 1500 watts and above).

Here's a diagram on what all the different wires do. 99% of the transformers that were pulled from inverters/battery backup units will have the same color codes..
This power supply information is a very helpful for us and i want to read more about it. I have seen that most of builders using it and it is good for them. I am exited to know that how many ways i can use it and how much watts capacity of inverter.