This morning I turned my 980 on 38 LSB to listen for skip and I could faintly hear someone talking but could not make out what they were saying and I was in RX mode not Local mode. I then turned it off and immediately turned on my Galaxy 979 and and could understand the someone and louder and it was on the same antenna. So it proved what I expected that the 980 could use some help in the receive department. The question is has someone or does someone know of a Pot on the board that can be tweaked to enhance the receive on the 980. And yes I know it will increase noise also but it is like someone in here said ( If you can't hear them you can't talk to them! ) I mark all pots with a fine tip marker so I can undo changes if I want to. If you know the pot # and direction that would be a great help. Thanks in advance !!!