Just pick a 3 digit number that is east for you to remember. I use 222. Those are my lucky numbers so it's what I use and have for 15-20yrs now. Some of the stations may say Alpha Kilo (AK) and this is normally a club call sign. Just a different mode of the CB band that at times has better etiquette than CB band. But it has gotten bad!! Anyway pick a set of numbers and call out CQ DX "your numbers" standing by for possible contact. Wait for about 10 seconds and if no one responds do it again. It's all about timing!! You can make contacts with that radio and 12 watts I promise. Give it a try and you'll see. When you hear the loudest station come in, call back for him. That is when you will call his numbers like on AM. How about it 444, this is 222 Daytona Bch., FL waving a hand, trying to make contact, or whatever you feel comfortable with saying. There is some etiquette on SSB, so listen for what others are saying and you will catch on to what they are asking. Some may say QSY to another channel. Means just that, lets move to a diff freq. It isn't hard to learn the "lingo" per say. Just keep at it. Once you make s good dx contact you will be hooked!!! It's just now that conditions are picking up. There are quite a few SSB guys in Atlanta I would think. Listen early am like 5am or so from 36-40lsb. You may find a group of locals.