Run thicker gauged wire..Use short lengths and attach to as many a possible metal points..

Ex....mirror arm to door hinge on dor side....Door side hinge to cab side hinge..Cab side hinge to chassie..

I have seen zero diff when useing one long length....With a few short length at say 8-12ga my swr came down and i got rid of alot of so called white noise and gained reciption..Oh i discovered that my ant stud was junk to..Look for that beefy allumium colored stud by wilson..When you lean the ant like i think i see in the pic,your tricking your radio into seeing a lower swr..All your doin after 15-25 degrees is sending your signal to

Looks so effing stupid to see super trucker runnin down the road with ant pointing so low it looks like bull horns..